Endocrine and Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon AT SINHAGAD ROAD PUNE Dr. B. Sahithi Priya is reliable and one of the best (Endocrine and Breast Surgery) Endocrine and Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon AT SINHAGAD ROAD PUNE. Everyone Deserves Expert Care • Management of Benign and cancerous thyroid swellings Re operative thyroid surgeries Retrosternal goiters Minimal invasive parathyroid surgeries Open and Lap adrenal surgeries for adrenal tumors Management of Benign breast diseases Holistic management of all stages of Breast cancer Oncoplastic breast surgeries including flaps Cosmetic breast surgeries including reduction, Augmentation and inverted nipples Management of Neuro Endocrine tumors For more details www.doctorshubpune.com